It seemed that the stall owner had not been content with just putting a ridiculously high point requirement to be able to win the number one prize, but he had also made sure that there was no way a normal person would even be able to accumulate the already ridiculously high number of points and to achieve that he had played a simple but very effective trick.

From the way the dart had avoided the red dot in the middle of the board, Davies could discern that a force was pushing the dart away from the red dot at the last second and that right there, was the ingenious foul play he had noticed.

He hadn\'t been able to sense any mana involved in pushing the dart, and he was even more sure that the stall owner wasn\'t a Mega, neither was there any Mega near enough to tamper with the dart-throwing game as he always made sure to check his surroundings constantly, both for any intruding mana or suspicious movements to avoid any, "surprising" situations.

Since it wasn\'t mana, it meant that there was something more basic at play, and as Davies\'s fingers rubbed over the pointy-sharp metallic end of the dart he was able to come to a conclusion on what the likely force that was pushing the dart away from the red dot in the center of the board.

To confirm his thoughts, he sneakily brought out his car key and put it against the dart, and just like he was expecting, the dart stuck to his key like glue.

[A magnet] Miya said in realization.


\'I\'m pretty sure I don\'t have to explain to you how he managed to change the direction of the dart with a magnet, right?\' Davies asked Miya.

[Of course not, nobody seeing this is dumb enough to not know how a magnet works] Miya commended.

\'Of course not, they are intelligent…\'

\'...I was talking about you,\' Davies replied coolly.

[...] Miya shut up, realizing she was being trolled, but Davies continued, undeterred by her silence.

\'You don\'t have to say anything, I\'m pretty sure I read it in your manual,\'

[Read what in my manual?] Miya asked with intrigue.

\'That you were dumb,\' he stated blankly.

[...] Miya didn\'t bother after realizing that she had already been trolled twice, and Davies also changed his target.

\'Now on the other hand,\'

\'That two-faced motherfu*ker,\' he thought as he looked at the sneaky grin on the stall owner\'s face as he saw that even though Davies had pretty high accuracy, he still could not hit the red dot, due to his "preparations".

Davies was pretty annoyed at this because, due to the sneaky methods of the unrighteous stall owner to make sure that no one could even come close to winning the grand prize, he would have to put in extra effort to get the prize for Tisha.

To be honest, Davies didn\'t blame the stall owner as the grand prize was a beautifully made plushie that cost almost ten thousand powerstone dollars and it had obviously been used to attract a lot of customers, but even though he didn\'t blame the stall owner, his princess wanted the plushie and he was going to make sure he got it for her…

Also, the store owner had challenged him by trying to play on his intelligence with such a cheap trick… a very ingenious but cheap trick, so for that he was going to make him regret it, badly.

With that thought in mind, he determinedly rolled up his sleeves and picked up the third dart.

A magnet can repel another magnet with the same end with a strong repulsive, that is to say, the north end of a magnet would repel the north end of another magnet, so all Davies had to do was to use enough force to pierce through the repulsive force of the magnets, right?

Unfortunately, this was easier said than done, and doing so would be naturally impossible, especially since he had to do it in a way where he couldn\'t blatantly use his mana, to avoid making it look like he was cheating, but even then, it was still pretty easy for Davies to achieve.

\'If you can\'t win with pure strength, then use technique,\' he thought as he stepped back slightly and prepared to use one of the martial techniques he had learned in his first transmigration or second life.

"Spinning Death Shadow," he muttered as he threw the dart with a great amount of force but just before the dart left his hand, he used his index finger to hit one of the wings at the bottom end of the dart, causing it to go into a spin and dash at the board with a frightening amount of speed and a crazy spinning force.


A muffled thumping sound rang out as the dart hit the board.

[+10 points]

"Yess!" Tisha jumped in joy as she saw the dart safely nestled in the red dot on the board. She was happy that there was a chance at still winning the big teddy bear, while the stall owner couldn\'t stop his jaw from dropping to the floor in shock at what he was seeing.

What was going on?

Hitting the red dot should be impossible, right?

But he didn\'t dare to make a racket about it to avoid calling attention to himself and risk his tricks being discovered, so he did his best to hide his shocked expression while staunchly believing that it was simply a coincidental case and wouldn\'t be happening again.

Little did he know that this was just the beginning of his nightmare as Davies picked up another dart and pulled his hand back in a bid to throw another one.


Another dart flew in the air towards the red dot on the board and safely nestled itself on the red dot, surprising the stall owner yet again, but before he could even react in shock, Davies had already picked another dart and was aiming yet again with his hand pulled back.

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