Chapter 99 CHAPTER 99: THE RACE I

A black Cesla drifted around a blue Cesla in a full 360 circle three times before coming to a perfect stop beside the blue Cesla on the starting line, while revving its engine.

"Tch… Showoff," Lee Jung clicked his teeth and wound down the window of the passenger side of the car just as the window of the driver side of the black Cesla wound down.

The crowd let out a shout as the two cars stood side by side, their engines revving as they warmed up for the race. 

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ A race girl walked onto the track and stopped in the middle of the track with her hands raised,

"...3," she called out with her hands in the air.

"You know, earlier, you said I don\'t know how to drive one of these at the highest level…" Davies said while just barely glancing at Lee Jung for a moment, but his words had caught Lee Jung\'s attention.


"... I can definitely tell you that you were wrong,"


"... After all… I built these things," Davies said coolly.

"Huh?" Lee Jung was confused.

"GOOO!!!" the race girl shouts and brings her hands down in fluid motion, and immediately, Davies smashed down on the accelerator, using the little time he had managed to buy by confusing Lee Jung with the sudden revelation.


The black Cesla shot off the starting line, burning a little rubber as its tires spun at extremely high speed while they struggled to grab the ground and push the car forward.

"Wheeeeeee," Tisha let out a squeal of excitement as the car took off at high speed.

A second later, Lee Jung came to and his mind went blank, completely forgetting Davies\'s sudden revelation as he also slammed down on the accelerator, quickly following after Davies as they kicked off the starting line.

Since Davies had sneakily taken the lead due to a little trick, he did his best to make sure that he kept Lee Jung behind him by all means. Whenever Lee Jung tried to find space to overtake him, Davies made sure to block out the space and stop Lee Jung from driving past him.

The race was being displayed to the crowd at the starting line with the help of well-placed cameras and also with the help of drones that tracked the race full time, so the crowd wasn\'t missing out on the excitement while waiting for the cars to come to the finish line but rather were watching the match with avid attention. 

Some were even placing bets while some were drinking and chilling with their gender counterparts while watching the race.

Back at the race, Davies had been able to keep Lee Jung behind him while at the same time not compromising on his speed, but he himself had to admit that it was pretty hard and he didn\'t think he would be able to keep it up for the whole race… but then again, that was why he had made a backup plan.

Davies and Lee Jung sped across the road and were soon approaching the first turn on the map, but instead of slowing down so that they could navigate the turns smoothly and steadily, the two of them even increased their speeds even more, much to the alarm of the watching spectators.

They had expected this much from the racing king, but Davies following along with him on this charge towards almost certain death came as quite a shocker to them as even though they had shown him display some drifting skills, those were tricks that almost everyone here could perform, though not as smoothly as he could.

\'Was he trying to forfeit his life for a race?\' they thought.

Of course, the subject of their thoughts, Davies was not just speeding up because he had no regard for his life, but rather because he knew that he couldn\'t afford to give Lee Jung an inch of space by even slowing down for just a second otherwise Lee Jung would use this turn to move past him and would most likely win the race as getting past a "god of racing" would be very difficult and almost nigh impossible for Davies, unless they counted his preparations, but it wasn\'t time to use it yet, so Davies sped up even more and once he reached the best position, he turned the steering sharply and maneuvered the car into a drift while staying as close to inside edge of the road and not leaving enough space for Lee Jung to overtake him.

After Lee Jung realized what Davies was doing and realized that there was no space for him to move past Davies\'s car, he instead followed Davies into the drift while staying as close to Davies\'s blue Cesla as possible.

They were so close that it was mere millimeters that were between the bumpers of the car as they drifted around the edge and back onto a straight road. Immediately after overcoming the turn, Davies righted the steering wheel and pulled the car out of the drift before stamping down on the accelerator to increase his speed, Lee Jung behind him did the same and took off after Davies, not willing to let up on his pursuit of the lead position.

The crowd watching the race from the big screen let out a collective gasp, but the gasps held different meanings for each group of people. Some were in awe, some did not even know they were holding their breaths, some were excited and some were anticipating even more fun.

The ongoing race was just that enthralling, as the beautiful display of driving skills were enough to light up the heart of most men and even quite a few women, so they paid even more attention as the black and blue Cesla were already approaching another turn, but this time it was a turning in the shape of an arc.

Even though Davies and Lee Jung saw the upcoming turn, they still didn\'t let up on the accelerator, rather, they pressed down on it even harder and increased their speed as they came even closer to the turning.

Just like at the first turning, Davies moved until he was at the perfect spot and then turned the steering wheel sharply and drifted into the perfect spot where he was the closest to the inner edge of the road, leaving no space for Lee Jung at that side of the road, but it seemed Lee Jung had taken up on a new tactic as instead of following Davies into the drift and following after him into the drift, he instead sped up even more before turning sharply and choosing to drift into the arc from the outer edge at a higher speed, trying to drift around Davies and into the arc at higher speed.

Davies saw this but didn\'t do anything to try to stop it as it would only end up counter-effective and he only made sure to increase his speed to make sure that Lee Jung didn\'t drift past him.

This led to a scene of two Ceslas, one blue and one black, drifting around an arc-shaped road. The black Cesla was on the inside road, while the blue Cesla was on the outside lane, seemingly trying to overtake the black Cesla, but the black Cesla didn\'t seem to be letting up either and made sure to match the blue Cesla, pace for pace, so when they came out of the drift, the two cars were abreast of each other with neither in the lead for more than a second.

Lee Jung flashed a provocative grin at Davies, but Davies was not even bothering to look in his direction and was fully focused on the race, truth be told, this race was more than a little straining for him because, unlike a certain protagonist, he didn\'t have a "god of driving skill", so it was taking his all to just barely keep up with Lee Jung in this race, even though he was probably a great deal better than any other racer in the whole of Yorkshire city.

\'It\'s a shame, but it seems this is as far as my skills can take me,\' he thought as he just barely glanced at Lee Jung\'s blue Cesla that was inching forward every second, as most of his attention was focused on keeping abreast with Lee Jung and not being left in the dust.

"Well, at least I got this far against someone with a "god of driving" skill," he murmured to himself, his voice barely above a whisper, but nobody would hear it due to the sounds of the loud winds dispersing his voice before it barely got out. 

Even Tisha who sat beside him couldn\'t hear his voice, though he could attribute that to her fully enjoying the excitement brought by the race as they moved at excessively high speed.

Davies had originally even wondered if she would be scared by the high speed and dangerous situations, like a certain bodyguard of his, but she seemed to be holding on pretty well… or it was more appropriate to say she was enjoying herself thoroughly.

With that out of the way, Davies\'s eyes fell on the bag that had been left in the car by Daniel on his orders and was currently being held by Tisha,

\'Only heroes play fair anyway,\' he thought with a smirk as his hand reached for the bag.

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