MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 387 - The Illusion of Three

Chapter 387: The Illusion of Three

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

There was a setting protecting players’ corpses in King of Pantheon that had never once changed.

When a player died, their souls would automatically fly back to the temple, and the corpses could no longer be moved or touched.

In reality, the corpses were only an illusion at the time. They looked like they were there, but they had no substance whatsoever. For example, Amber Sword Heart’s current form could not obstruct the path at all. Gray Wolf and Red Wolf just had to step forward and they would be through.

The explosion of skills was clearly for nothing...

After the dust cleared, Amber Sword Heart’s corpse lay on the ground, and the narrow tunnel appeared before Gray Wolf and his wife.


Red Wolf was so excited that she gave Gray Wolf a powerful slap before prancing forth, laughing.

“Darling, so this isn’t an NPC corpse after all, it’s a player’s.” As he cupped his face with his hand, Gray Wolf saw the name above Amber Sword Heart’s head.

“Forget about him, let’s just go... Oh my, well, f*ck me,” cried Red Wolf in surprise. Just like Jiaojiao, she had gotten stuck.

“This tunnel is too small. Darling, I... I’m stuck, I can’t get out. Please help me, gimme a pull, quick, aaaaaaah... This is so frustrating!”

Red Wolf was so upset that she stomped her feet, and Gray Wolf was so scared that he hurried forth and pulled her legs, trying to yank her out with all his strength.

The tunnel here was pear-shaped, shrinking and expanding in uneven rings. He would have been better off not trying to pull her out, because the harder he pulled, the tighter it got. Red Wolf grew so anxious that she kept kicking Gray Wolf, howling and wailing to no avail.

“Darling, how about I summon the Guardian of Ancient Kings again and blast the walls a bit to get you out?”

“What are you waiting for, then? Summon ’em quick! I’d rather die than stay stuck here, this sucks!”

“Guardian of Ancient Kings, Bagradin!”

Gray Wolf waved his long staff, summoning the Guardian of Ancient Kings. At the same time, Red Wolf also set a powerful Explosion Trap underneath her body.

“Bagradin, self-destruct!”



Gray Wolf was sent flying by the explosion, but Red Wolf had it even worse. Since Bagradin had self-destructed behind her butt, the explosion sent her even deeper inside instead.

Only her upper body had been stuck earlier, but now her limbs had been blasted inside as well, until the only part left sticking out was her butt...

Gray Wolf was extremely unfortunate. When the explosion sent him flying, he just happened to fall into yet another narrow tunnel. Unlike Red Wolf, though, he went in butt-first, leaving his arms and legs dangling outside.

“Darling, now I’m stuck too...” Gray Wolf was almost in tears.

“Motherf*cker, why didn’t you blast me from the front? Self-destructing behind me, were you trying to kill you so you could get another girlfriend?”

“I... I wouldn’t dare.”

“Screw it, if you don’t rescue me within the next ten minutes, you’ll be servicing me with your mouth at night for half a year!” Red Wolf set the ultimatum.

“Please, darling, no!”

“Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!”

Just as Gray Wolf was bursting into tears, he suddenly felt pain in his butt, as though something was attacking him from behind the tunnel.




Although the attacker was not very powerful, Gray Wolf did not have much HP left either. Before he could realize what was happening, his HP fell to zero and his mind went blank. He was dead!

“Even a human wall can’t get between me and Sister Huahua!”

Armed with his kitchen knife, Scumbag Wang went past Gray Wolf’s body and crawled out of the tunnel.

The one who had slashed Gray Wolf to death was none other than Scumbag Wang.

“Vice Guild Master of Undefeatable Legends, Not Gray Wolf, you’re a famous guy too. It’s not shameful for you to die by my hand.”

Scumbag Wang glanced at the name above Gray Wolf’s head and was about to proceed when he abruptly saw that there was another large and round butt right in front of him. His spirits perked up and he said in a quivering voice to Red Wolf’s butt, “Sister Huahua, is that you?”

“My stage name in the past was Huahua, who are you?”

“I’m your Lil Brother Wang’er...”

“Lil Brother Wang’er?” Red Wolf was utterly confused.

“I’ve been thinking of you, day and night. Even if my dreams, I dream of your large, round...”

Scumbag Wang poured all of his love for Hua Feihua out at Red Wolf’s butt. Red Wolf was a very experienced lady of the night, so she had heard language like this on an almost daily basis. Still, when she heard Scumbag Wang’s emotional monologue, even she felt nauseated.

She wanted to die...

“Did you know? Your large, round, fair, big butt is just like the moon in the sky, shining down on my heart. I never once forgot...”

“Blergh! Darling, you f*cking Gray Wolf, where did you f*ck off to? Save my *ss, sob-sob, I can’t take this anymore.”

“Sister Huahua, you don’t have any darlings. You’re single now, Milk Dipper Solitary kicked you out, and Yang Xingchen abandoned you too. They played you for a fool, and I knew that a long time ago, but don’t worry. Even if I play you, it won’t be for nothing. I’ll take responsibility and care for you forever, and I’ll play you forever too...”

“Darling, save me! I’m dying here, dying...”

“Sister Huahua, why did your voice change? It’s not as sweet as it used to be, but it sure is sexy. I like it.”

“Sexy, my *ss!” Red Wolf blew her top.

Scumbag Wang ignored her completely and continued to pour out his heart at Red Wolf’s butt, pushing Red Wolf to the brink of insanity.

“Although you didn’t add me as a friend, which means that I can’t touch you, that doesn’t matter. Because I’ve already f*cked you a hundred times in my mind.” Scumbag Wang took a deep breath and stared at Red Wolf’s butt. He closed his eyes and let mind his mind wander, and after some time, he sighed, “Make that one hundred and one.”

“Sister Huahua, are you stuck in there?” Just then, Scumbag Wang’s mind finally cleared slightly.

“Whataya think? Stay away from me, you retard.”

“You can call me scum, but you can’t call me a retard! F*ck you!” Scumbag Wang swore, pointing at Red Wolf’s butt, but as soon as the words left his mouth, he reconsidered them. “Sorry, Sister Huahua, I... I shouldn’t have said that. Come, let me help you, I’ll pull you out.”

Scumbag Wang went and tried to grab Red Wolf’s leg, but unfortunately they were not friends, so he could not touch her body at all.

“Sister Huahua, add me as your friend. I swear, I definitely won’t touch your butt.”

“Alright, alright, go ahead.”

Scumbag Wang was overjoyed. He sent Red Wolf a friend request and she accepted without hesitation.

“Mwah! Mwah!”

Scumbag Wang kissed Red Wolf’s butt twice and laughed. “I said I wouldn’t touch, but I didn’t say I wouldn’t kiss it! Sister Huahua, this is such a rare opportunity! If I don’t go all the way with you today, my name wouldn’t be Scumbag Wang. C’mon, lemme kiss that large, round...”


Red Wolf’s body vanished...

Although Red Wolf was stuck, she could still log off whenever she wanted to.

“Aw man, aw man, that was so close.” Scumbag Wang turned around regretfully and saw a perverted-looking man glaring at him with a dark expression.

“Not Gray Wolf, why are you looking at me like that? I’m only interested in women, not men, thank you very much.”

“Come out—Headless Horseman!”

Not Gray Wolf had heard half of what Scumbag Wang said earlier, and he was already boiling with rage.

Red Wolf had always been free with her body, and Not Gray Wolf could not restrict her actions. However, he was still a man, and he had his dignity. Was it any wonder that he was so furious seeing another man flirt with his wife right before his eyes.

The Headless Horseman charged and swung its sword, killing Scumbag Wang in an instant...

Not Gray Wolf was Level 65, and Scumbag Wang was Level 30. Not Gray Wolf’s equipment was either purple or gold-colored, and Scumbag Wang’s best piece of equipment was that cloak with words etched onto it. It was not surprising at all that he was killed in a heartbeat.

“Darling, come online. I killed that son-of-a-b*tch.”

Red Wolf logged on, but she was still stuck inside and could not get out. In the end, she had no choice but to ask Gray Wolf to kill her so that she could corpse run back and resurrect herself.

It was fine once she corpse ran and resurrected, because as long as the soul was within 20 yards of the corpse, she could choose to resurrect wherever her soul was. The soul just had to stand there, and the body would resurrect in the same spot.

Scumbag Wang lay on the ground and did not even get up by the time Red Wolf had resurrected herself.

“Should we campo him, darling?”

“Forget it. With his level and equipment, it’d be embarrassing even to kill him.”

“We’ll let you go this time. Motherf*cker, you’ll really point your d*ck at just about anyone, huh? What am I, Not Gray Wolf, to you?”

“It’s fine, he’s too scared to even get up. Let’s just go.”

Red Wolf called Gray Wolf to leave him, but before the couple could even get a dozen meters away, Scumbag Wang resurrected and stood up, keeping Gray Wolf in place with his Charge move and then slashing at him fiercely with the kitchen knife.

Scumbag Wang was not even scared of a BAMF like Windcloud Brother Nine, so how could he possibly be afraid of them?

This was a strategy called counter-sneak-attack!

Scumbag Wang’s attack was vicious. Even though he did not use Frantic Combo 7 this time, each slash was still faster than the other, so it seemed quite menacing. However, his equipment was too lousy, so Gray Wolf did not lose all that much HP even after being slashed so many times.

Red Wolf threw a Poison Ivy Trap at Scumbag Wang and the HP practically drained out of Scumbag Wang, leaving him dead in less than 10 seconds.

“A Level 30 white-equipment Warrior daring to ambush a Level 60 plus player? You gotta be that Scumbag Wang from the Eastern Continent, huh?”

Even though Scumbag Wang hid his name, Gray Wolf still recognized him.

“You gotta pretty good eye, to recognize moi.” Scumbag Wang snorted as he lay on the ground, disregarding the possibility that Gray Wolf may not be able to hear him.

Gray Wolf spat at Scumbag Wang. “Remember this. I’ll kill you every time I see you.”

Even armies of thousands upon thousands could not strike fear in Scumbag Wang’s heart. What chance did Gray Wolf’s threat stand?

However, by the time Scumbag Wang went through all the trouble to corpse run back, there was no longer any sign of Gray Wolf and Red Wolf.

“Motherf*ckers, they got so scared they scrammed,” swore Scumbag Wang angrily.

In a tunnel 300 meters away from Scumbag Wang, the siblings Hua Feihua and Hua Feiwu were teaming up against scarabs. One of them dealt damage while the other healed, and they worked extremely well together, making short work of three scarab monsterlings.

Hua Feihua looted the corpse and was lucky enough to receive a Scarab Helmet.

“Lil Bro, message Lil Brother Wang’er and ask him where he is. I don’t think it was very nice of us to just abandon him there.”

“Sis, ignore him. That guy’s wrong in the head. He keeps sticking to you and saying stuff like that, it’s repulsive.”

“C’mon, let’s go. Your quest has a time limit. We should take Scumbag Wang along with us, what if he acts dumb again?”

“Sigh... Alright, Sis, if you say so...” Hua Feihua nodded helplessly.


Just as the siblings were getting ready, Li Yi and Windless Heavenly Robe ran over to them. The snow-white Frog Queen was right behind them, bounding along and chasing them while holding the Divine Jade in her arms...

“Sis, it’s Dark Wing!” A fierce gleam flashed through Hua Feiwu’s eyes as he lifted his staff above his head and murmured a Dark Incantation.

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